

  • Brand development dividing a single multi-proposition company into three specialist companies.
  • Marketing to support the brands incl website management
  • Social media, specifically Twitter and Linkedin posts and advertising
  • Assisting in the running of networking and partner technology events


When were looking to update their brand and website we worked with them through a process we call Forming Intelligent Territory or FIT. This process fairly quickly identified that the single company should become individual, specialist, brands, each with its own look, feel and tone of voice.

Bramble Hub was to take the lead on ‘connecting private and public sector organisations’.
Bramble People was to provide recruitment support to Bramble Hub’s partners.
Bramble Accelerator was to provide technology companies with the tools they required to grow their public sector business.

We also developed an umbrella brand ‘Bramble Effect’ under which all the other companies sit.

Since the initial rebrand Bramble Hub has become the lead company, currently employing 12 people based in their Central London office. Bramble People continues to recruit to partner companies and Accelerator is currently in silo.


The initial website was built by our sister company Build14me and the current sites are built using the Squarespace platform. All updates and revisions are managed by our team. With Build14me we have worked to ensure that the site is fully optimised, easy to use, regulary updated and has a good user experience whether you are a partner or customer.

Since working with Bramble we have:

    1) Developed the brands to reflect the actual service delivered.
    2) Ensured all new site content is clear, concise, relevant and engaging
    3) Worked to deliver LinkedIn and Twitter campaigns to increase awareness and position Bramble as providing a unique opportunity to connect best of type ICT SMEs with the public sector
    4) Developed the website to ensure it keeps a contemporary look and is well positioned for ranking for an array of relevant terms.
    5) Assist the Bramble Team to ensure that the website is kept up to date and is working effectively for partners and customers

Bramble Hub has experienced year on year growth and has an experienced, insightful and hard working team.

If you’d like to find out more about how our sister company Build14me helps Bramble Hub maintains its Google ranking please visit:

For more details on Bramble Hub's services and to visit their website, please visit:

Want to work with us on a project? Then get in touch!

Contact us on 01273 670 100
Or email us at

